Evolution Vs Pheromones?

Luky (no, of course that's not him) hasn't been as quiet these past few days as his blog might seem to indicate. The weather is turning - more because of a jet-stream-hitching cool front that moved in from Tennessee than Hurricane Wilma - but no matter the cause a morning temp in the mid-forties is enough to get Luky's blood moving in decidedly NON-philosophical directions. In other words, we're ready to go sniffin' out the bitches!
Hey - by the way - I hope we don't need to apologize for our use of THAT word. After all, it's a genuine term of affection around here, though I must admit that Kiki (Luky's human mom) doesn't appear to appreciate it nearly as much as Gracie, the dainty Papillon who lives a few doors down (yes, the picture upper left - actually from the AKC.org website - might as well be Gracie!).
Other than that Luky was checking out the Science Channel in an effort to discern better ways to apply his scent to the dogpark. I'm not sure what program it was, but I have to admit it had something to do with pheromones. As far as I could tell, however, there were more insects and dinosaurs featured than canines. I've occasionally wondered - when Luky and I were out there in the very early, pre-dawn mornings of Summer - if I had raised my running shorts when he wasn't looking . . . well, heck, I know this whole post is sounding rather uncouth, but I don't mean to be off-color. (I guess I just lack Luky's sophistication.) Anyway, just to finish a thought, it makes you wonder if one animal can throw off another!?!?
It turns out, apparently, some animals can. Don't try it with canines, though. They have high-tech noses, for sure!
We had to switch channels all of a sudden when Luky discovered that C-Span2 was running a presentation by Lawrence Krauss (theoretical physicist, Physics Dept Chairman at Case Western Reserve University, and general renaissance man of scientific frontiers - http://www.phys.cwru.edu/~krauss/krauss.html) on evolution and intelligent design. We didn't get to watch the whole presentation, but he was speaking at the American Enterprise Institute (that is, AEI, a favorite venue for C-Span, and one of the seemingly very rare spots on the planet where you might find an intelligent - or at least an "intelligent" - conservative).
It was interesting. Luky wants to email Krauss for a copy of his powerpoint. But regardless, the whole day turned back into "hey, are we going out to sniff and spray again?" as soon as I opened the hall closet looking for the toolbox. It turns out that's where I keep my walking jacket - the one with the dog biscuits in the left pocket.
Luky said that Krauss's message was extremely important, especially for this science and truth-starved nation. But I guess the origin of species will just have to wait. We're all about reproduction at a much baser level today.
Bob May what is up with this pheromones cologne stuff? Has anyone tried it?
RAM and Luky what is up with this human pheromones stuff? Has anyone tried it?
good info
can i get more info?
where can i get more info?
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