Luky's Fan Club!

Unless he's doing a sleepover, which he occasionally does at the lake house of Mommy-Kiki and Prince Gabe (coincidentally, two members of Luky's pack), Luky and I must regularly check the territory and re-mark the boundaries.
Of course, I don't get to do any marking myself . . . marking is strictly reserved for wolves and other canines. Apparently, as I'm constantly informed, non-canines do their own marking, but according to Luky they just don't pack the urinary punch strong enough to send a serious announcement. I wouldn't know. What I DO know is that Luky has a fan club all his own, and it was during a territory re-marking outing one day that I learned just how big and fervent Luky's fan club really is.
It turns out that our park (our primary territory, as it were) is a designated dog park owned and cared for by BellSouth - specifically, a kind, always-smiling gentleman named Charles. The park borders the BellSouth corporate HQ complex on Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Luky insisted that I include a picture (courtesy Google Earth - of his park and the BellSouth building which borders to the south. The building is about sixteen stories high and Luky swears he knows most of the folks behind the windows on the park side.
I'm increasingly inclined to believe him since we often get stopped by BellSouth employees taking a morning breather or lunchtime sprint around the campus. Some even know his name, and though they may be strangers to me they have little interest in catching my attention anyway. They will stop on the sidewalk and call out to Luky, or walk up to the two of us asking about all the latest news - diet, shedding schedule, plans to see Eight Below, and so on. I might occasionally offer some comments - "He's an Alaskan Malamute . . . they are extremely sweet and gentle, even though they look like Wolves . . ." Luky goes right on signing autographs and acting like I must be talking to one of Magnolia trees or something - but certainly not to his audience.
The experience that struck me most happened within the last week or so when a woman - perhaps late 50's, and apparently a tenured employee of this BellSouth office - stopped to offer that she and her fellow workers watch for Luky out their windows every day. They think he is so beautiful and so well behaved, and sweet and gentle! The compliments went on and on and Luky just kept turning his head into the stroking hand. What a ham!!!
I don't believe Luky considers himself a superstar, or that we need to give his groupies an official name, per se, but he's got a fan club - that's for sure. I've met some of the members and they are definitely ready to stand in line for licks, if not tickets.
Dear Luky's secretary —
Just wanted to remind you that Luky also has a "country" house were he enjoys roming off leash and watching a certain four legged girl BC perform tricks for his eyes only.
His fan club has extended to neighbors and friends that were amazed by Luky's recent encounter with a tennis ball. All look forward to his return for a breath of country air.
Skye's Mom—
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