Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sonia's Home!

Yesterday was a big day for Luky. As brilliant a philosopher as he is, I have to occasionally recall that he is only - well, not even - eight years old. So, I guess, his memories of "puppyhood" are fresh - unlike humans, who might retain accurate childhood memories but usually find themselves forced to cover more distance with them than dogs.

Anyway, Luky's puppyhood memories were explosively and wonderfully jolted yesterday when Sonia came to visit.

Luky spent much of his puppyhood at Canine Academy (he placed the Canine Academy link into the sidebar so it would always be accessible) . . . and Canine Academy has always had a wonderful staff of workers and teachers and dog-friends. Well, one of Luky's favorites of all time was Sonia Fuller.

Sonia left Atlanta for Idaho almost a year ago, but lucky for us (me and Luky both) she decided that she would come back home. She's a fantastic and creative person who is now looking for a job back in Atlanta. Luky says that the U.S. Government statistics don't count nearly half of the unemployed people (for lots of top-spin reasons that he won't go into now), so even though he has a lot of faith in Sonia he agrees that times are tough.

But when Sonia came to visit yesterday and walked into the loft - well, it was all about "welcome home! Welcome home!" I'm glad he has paws sans opposable thumbs - and can only use the computer (and occasionally the phone, and remotes, and sometimes the frig and microwave oven), and doesn't know how to mix martinis or we'd have a serious hangover today because he was definitely ready to celebrate!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sonia is a great lady and I am sure she will thrive back in Atlanta, you folks are lucky to have her back. Idaho misses her.

11:40 PM  

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