Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Best, Good Friends

Luky's excited again. I just had to give him a big smooch on the nose from his uncle Jack - "Mr. Jack," Luky calls him.

Mr. Jack is one of our (Luky's and mine) close friends - a "best, good friend," as Forrest Gump would say. And Mr. Jack always ends our conversations with the request that I give Luky a big smooch right on the nose. So, naturally, whenever I do that, Luky knows I've been talking to Jack.

Since I take pleasure in complying with Mr. Jack's requests, one might conclude it's a darn good thing he only asks me to kiss Luky's nose!

Luky is harrumphing as I write this. I can tell he's imagining some other gesture . . . No, there's no use conjuring a perverse nightmare about it - believe me, if it were up to Luky it would still be the same old smooch but with a biscuit after!


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